Contact Us
If you have any queries/issues related to Osdag please post it on the discussion forum.
Note: Before posting your query please read the previous forum posts. If you wish to post a new query please mention the issue specifically with OS, error messages, screenshots etc.
Request for Osdag Training Workshop
If you wish to organize an Osdag Training Workshop at your Institute/Organisation, send us your request here.
Request for FOSSEE Connect Sessions
If you wish to participate in a FOSSEE Connect Session on Osdag, send us your request here.
Join the Osdag Team
If you wish to become a part of the Osdag team, please check the details here.
Any general feedback or query on Osdag (such as, (i) how much you like it, (ii) what enhancements you’d like to see in future, (iii) if you’d like to join the development team, etc.) can be sent to the following email address:
Prof. Siddhartha Ghosh
Dept. of Civil Engineering
Structural Safety, Risk and Reliability Lab
5th Floor, Victor Menezes Convention Centre
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400076
Phone no: +91 22 2576 7309/4329