- Osdag performs design for two different scenarios;
- Scenario 1: Perform a design from a suite of available options in terms of steel sections and connectors. The optimized design is selected based on the total volume of material and this design solution is detailed in the output dock and design report.
- Scenario 2: Perform a design check with a specific set of single inputs/selections in the 'Customized' option. In this case, Osdag will inform if the design checks are satisfied and suggest changes otherwise.
- An interactive window displaying a 3D CAD model, which provides a clear visualisation of the designed component.
- Creation of 3D CAD models that can be imported to generic CAD softwares.
- User-friendly input and output docs, with text-validated fields grouped according to the design flow.
- A text window for message display, that also suggests necessary changes if a trial design is found unsafe.
- Creation of a professional design report showing all necessary checks, design calculations as per IS 800:2007 and other relevant design standards.
- Selection of design preferences, considering different construction and detailing aspects, using a design preference toolbox.
- Video tutorials for multimedia learning on how to install and use Osdag.
- Sample design problems for training and testing purposes.